Sean O'Connor (Datadog)
Episode 78 · January 6th, 2022 · 46 mins 57 secs
About this Episode
In this episode, rachel, Kendall, and Sean talk about:
- The genesis of this podcast, and who we have to thank
- How taking the traditional path of CS to engineering leadership is the rare case
- Getting into guiding and mentoring at a small company named Huge (lol)
- Being glad for having done the deathmarch type work when you were younger
- Learning many important lessons via a failed startup
- Why consulting is often not appealing
- Finally getting into bonafide engineering management, with no training
- A free podcast idea: Awkward Silences
- The blessing and curse of being a problemsolver
- The idea that listening is an action
- Not being able to let go of puns
- Timing complexity when trying to promote internally
- How high trust environments must exist across a given company to work well, and how this makes hiring a much higher stakes proposition
- Intent to 3D print and make things out of wood
You can find Sean at
Special thanks to Mel Stanley for our theme music <3