Dee Mirai (
Episode 70 · August 12th, 2021 · 50 mins 16 secs
About this Episode
In this episode, rachel, Kendall, and Dee talk about:
- Coming from dropping out of school in at 16 years old
- The struggles of being a manager in a bar in Singapore as a teenager
- Developing "scripts" for the various interactions that kept recurring
- Internships as cheap labor rackets
- Immediate promotion from intern to being in charge of customer comms
- Premonitions about layoffs
- The camaraderie of joint suffering
- Kendall admits that Marketing runs the universe
- Gatekeeping as an indicator of a real discipline
- The difficulties of managing people who are significantly older than you, especially in Singaporean culture
- Predicting her own future, again
- Iterating toward a less blunt approach to management
- Preferences for feedback via chat vs in person
- Experiencing joy when reports succeed
- Self-reflection when reports are failing
- Cooking experiments
You can find Dee on twitter or instagram as @tomyumsushi :)
Special thanks to Mel Stanley for our theme music <3