Anca Mosoiu (Tech Liminal)
Episode 5 · July 19th, 2018 · 41 mins 50 secs
About this Episode
In this episode Kendall, rachel, and Anca Mosoiu discuss:
- Anca founded TechLiminal, a technology salon, on a fairly sketchy block in downtown Oakland, CA 10 years ago.
- Anca's been working in tech since the late 1900's (!), the dark ages of tech.
- Techliminal was designed as "a place where regular people can walk in off the street and learn to use tools."
- Her work inspired some folks to volunteer to help with TechLiminal, and it became a kind of event hub.
- Anca didn't have management experience before she started up TechLiminal, she learned most of what she knows about managing volunteers from other local organizers.
- Volunteers are great, but they need to be motivated by intrinsic means. It's important to make sure they feel important and needed, that their work is valued.
- Leadership skills are much more important when your people are volunteers--it's almost 100% your inspiration that motivates them.
- The team composition matters much more, watch for disruptive volunteers.
- "Volunteering by Obligation" (people who are volunteering to fulfilling an obligation) can make things more challenging.
- Your own ego has to take a back seat when leading a team.
- Volunteers often require a lot more checking in and confirmation of the desired output.
- What? Anca has an anti-authoritarian streak? SAY IT ISN'T SO!
- What level of transparency is appropriate with your employees? Determining the balance of keeping them on track vs being open with them is very difficult.
- You have to be more extroverted than you might be comfortable with to make sure you ask the questions you need to ask of your team.
- Anca recommends the "Ask A Manager" column.
- A senior leader has better judgement about what matters when delivering a project, how much to take on, what to focus on. Junior leaders often try to take on too much at once.
- Being a leader in her professional life has helped her become more humble, less bossy.
- Being a good leader means you can speed up the process of picking the place for lunch!
Find Anca at
Twitter: @anca
Special thanks to Mel Stanley for our theme music <3