100 means 100 percent done, right?

Episode 100 · July 18th, 2024 · 32 mins 17 secs

About this Episode

In this episode, rachel and Kendall talk about:

  • Crushing Kendall's dreams
  • How much rachel missed her own home and bed
  • All the biking Kendall did in Spain
  • Fraud avoidance via CarFax
  • The varying qualities of our guests
  • rachel's propensity for initial kneejerk low assessment of every recording
  • Our lack of investment in recording quality
  • The breadth and scope of our interviewees and their employers
  • What we've been bad at
  • The frustrations of trying to get guests to talk about themselves
  • How well we balanced each other's extremes
  • Episode highlights
  • Our varying assessments of how well we know each other
  • Unexpected listener vectors
  • Humanizing our heroes, possibly a little too much?
  • Being prepared to stop

Special thanks to Mel Stanley for our theme music <3